First Baptist Church of Coshocton, Ohio was first organized on August 23, 1834 with Elder Sedgwick Rice as the pastor. However, the church ceased to function as an organized group in 1848.

On January 31, 1878 Reverend H.L. Gear, an evangelist, gathered a group of eight men and women around him, and the church began again. Reverend J.P. Hunger was called as pastor.

The first building was dedicated in March of 1879, and the group worshiped there for the next thirty six years. In 1915, because of limitations of that existing structure, Reverend F.A. Twining launched a building program that resulted in the current church in which we worship.

The stained glass window of our Lord with His words “Come unto Me all ye that labor” was installed and dedicated in 1957. From the early days of meeting in a saloon to this day of meeting in this beautiful building, through well over twenty pastors, there has been a constant theme at the heart of this assembly: “Jesus is Lord, and His Word is both our wealth and our weapon.”

May God help us to stay the course.

Founding Members

               Elizabeth Bonnet

               Flora Love

               Anne Brightman

               Sarah Felton

               Delilah Henry

               Elizabeth Burt

               Almeda Coe

               Mary Gardner

Rev. (Elder) Sedgwick Rice                           

               First Baptist Church in Coshocton in existence from August 23, 1843 to March 20, 1848.

First Meetings held in saloon; Church Clerk, Wilson McGowan (State Senator, 1821-1822)

                              -Met in old courthouse (Central Hall)

January 31, 1878 – First Baptist Church was constituted

Rev. James P. Hunter – Pastor February 2, 1878 – October 5, 1879

                              -Church met in Central Hall

                              -Committee established to solicit funds for building a house of worship, April 13, 1878

                              -A lot for the church building secured and a contract for the building of the structure completed, August 24,1878

                              -Business meeting for the purpose of incorporation, September 18,1878

                              -Church building ready for dedication the first Sabbath in March, 1879

Rev. Daniel Trichler

                              -Rev. Trichler on train campaign to obtain money to pay off church debt, August 27, 1881

                              -Rev. Trichler was chaplain for the local G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic)

                              -Communion changed from the first Sabbath every three months to the first Sabbath each month, November 8, 1882

                              -Rev. Trickler preached his 25th Anniversary Sermon at First Baptist Church, October 6, 1883

Rev. H. Clay Howard –March 19, 1887 – April 15, 1887

Rev. Joseph Smith –November 4, 1887 – October 1888

                              -Felt strongly about holding services separate from the other churches

Interim Period – Various ministers

Rev. C. C. Erwin – Pastorate, October, 1889 – June 1898

                               “The Church has made steady and solid progress during the year.  Eighteen have been added by baptism, two by letter and one by restoration. Several decided improvements have been made to the interior of the house of worship . . .”

                              -Ohio Baptist Convention Report of October, 1897, states there were one hundred eighty-three members in the church

Rev. David E. Carman – Pastor, March 17, 1899 – June 28, 1899

Rev. J.S. Ebersole – June 29, 1899 – August 30, 1899; Theological Student

Rev. W. H. Taylor – January 3, 1900 – May, 1900; Theological Student

Rev. J. S. Ebersole – Pastor, May 1900 – August, 1903

                              -Ordination Service at first Baptist Church

Rev. J.D. Crumley – December 6, 1903 – April 29, 1905

                              -President of Ministerial Association

Rev. C. M. Eddy  – Pastor, June 1906 – March 1, 1908

                              -Ordained June 28, 1908  by father, in First Baptist Church

Rev. William E. Bridge – Pastor, 1908 – October 1, 1912

                              -Memorial sermon of Coshocton Civil War Veterans held in First Baptist Church

Rev. F. A. Twining – Pastor, 1912 – 1917

                              -Motion that work be started on new church – Minutes of April 22, 1914

                              -Meeting concerning Incorporation – Church minutes, June 17, 1915

                              -Cornerstone Service – August 13, 1915

Rev. E. O. Jessup – Pastor, December 5, 1917 – May 25, 1919

Rev. W.M. Hart – Pastor, September 3, 1919 – January 29, 1928

                              -F.B.C. held first Daily Vacation Bible School in Coshocton; ran for 20 days, four days a week, 2 ½ hours a day – Church Minutes, July 1920

                              -Present church building mortgage paid off and ceremony of burning the mortgage held – Church minutes, November 21, 1922

                              -Rev. Hart’s obituary – O.B.C. Proceedings, October 12-14, 1956

Rev. J. Oscar White – Pastor, September 1928 – October 1942

                              -20th Anniversary  Dedication of our present church building (Church Records, May 31, 1936)

Rev. John H. Shanley – Pastor, April 1, 1943 – June 30, 1959

                              -One Hundredth Anniversary  of Coshocton Baptist Association held at First Baptist Church, Coshocton, August, 1945

                              -Rev Shanley a delegate to the Baptist World Alliance in London, England, 1955

                              -Funeral Service for William Green, President of American Federation of Labor, 1924-1952

                              -Memorial Stained Glass Window in memory of William Green dedicated on January 13, 1957

                              -Rev. Shanley’s resignation, April 19, 1959 (16 years of service – longest in the history of First Baptist Church)

Rev. David Wm. Beebe – Pastor, December 1959 – December 31, 1965

Rev. Lee A. Morris – Pastor, October 9, 1966 – January 23, 1972

                              -Help start chaplaincy program (Church Records)

                              -Three Church (Tri-Church) cooperation (St. John’s United Church of Christ, Central Christian Church and First Baptist)

                              -Shopper’s Rest – a place for downtown shoppers to come in out of the cold for a cup of

                                       hot chocolate or coffee – was held at Christmas time, December 1971

 Rev. Clair A. Popp – Pastor, September 3, 1972 – November 15, 1975

                              -Purchase of Chacos property west of church building, June 11, 1973

                              -Rev. Popp very active in Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Chaplaincy program, serving as chairman for a term

Rev. William L. Clark – Pastor voted May 9, 1976 – March 29,1981

                              -Interior of church damaged by fire in sanctuary, December 15, 1976

Rev. Stephen Crane – Pastor, June 6, 1982 – June 30, 1988

                              -Work mission goes to Dominican Republic – June 14, 1988

Rev. Gerald Hersom – Pastor, July 9,1989 – April 17, 1994

                              -Picnic shelter built

Rev. Tom Fraunfelter – Pastor, June 1,1994 – January 28 ,2001

                              -Handicap restroom installed on first floor

Rev. E. Murray McMillan – Pastor, November 1, 2001 – 2012

                              -Member ABC/Ohio Church Conflict Task Force

                              – Stained glass window repaired

Rev. Joseph Sanders – Pastor, January 1, 2013 – Present

                              – Monthly Friday Night fun for children and families started