What to Expect: A Smile! A Great Welcome! A New Friend!

If that were enough we would stop there, but we know that you are looking for something even more meaningful. 

So, when we gather on Sunday morning you will find a time to lift your voice to the Lord in Praise, in Songs and Prayer as we share our blessings and our concerns with the Lord.

Our pastor shares a challenge from scripture that we hope will impact your daily life: at home, at work, at school, when you’re in the car, at the store, or alone with your thoughts. 

We also give to the Lord because we know that it’s all His before it gets into our pockets.  

Time for Study and Fellowship

​Every week following our time of study we like to eat.  Somehow by God’s grace there are always good things eat. 


​Our time of worshiping God includes:

Guitar lead singing, Hymn singing with piano, Sharing praises and concerns

Giving to the Lord, Proclaiming the Word

Sunday Bible Study

​Sunday morning 11 am – NOON

​Bible Believers Class – Main Level – Lloyd Owens


​Every Tuesday from 4-5 pm there is a gathering in the pastor’s office to pray for the blessings of God to touch, heal, and empower us. 

Women’s Ministry

Our Women’s ministries include:

  • making mats for the homeless
  • providing diapers for low-income mom’s
  • giving gifts to the homebound
  • food donations to local food pantries
  • items for the homeless shelter and the shelter for victims of domestic violence

Monthly Mission Emphasis

Each month financial support is provided to one of the following ministries:

  • America For Christ
  • One Great Hour of Sharing
  • World Mission Offering
  • Retired Minister and Missionary Offering
  • International Missionaries
  • Heavenly Road Summer Camp
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Missionary Aviation Ministry
  • Food Pantries
  • Coshocton Pregnancy Center
  • Christmas Shoe Boxes